Combined expertise
IPPM works with partners in a network and is connected with important organizations. The integration in networks and the cooperation with partners enables IPPM to provide a broad service, which is based on the latest developments of regulatory, toxicological and analytical levels.

Chemie Cluster Bayern
More than 250 Bavarian chemical companies and research facilities are linked via Chemie-Cluster Bayern.
As part of the Bavarian State Government’s cluster initiative, Chemie-Cluster Bayern promotes product and process innovations for new, usually international market.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Informationswissenschaft und Informationspraxis e.V. (DGI)
is a platform for information specialists and working groups.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für experimentelle und klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie e.V. (DGPT)
was founded 1920 and is a non-profit scientific association located in Mainz. The satutory purpose of the association is "to promote scientific and practical interests of pharmacology and toxicology"

Chemisches Labor Dr. Graser
The Chemical Laboratory is an accredited Testing Laboratory according to EN ISO 17025:200
A flexible company structure and an excellent team of specialists provide fast and individual problem solutions of high quality. Chemists, Food Chemists, Microbiologists, Chemical Engineers and Technicians are available for any analytical questioning.